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Day One of doing things I've been meaning to do - mirrors in a field

Updated: Jul 17, 2020

With exams cancelled I decided to take a stroll and some pictures in a field with a mirror - one of the less common quarantine activities but here's how it went...

I have to point out that these were taken before the lockdown and one exercise a day came in but what a week! Freedom is a strange thing at the moment we have so much and so little of it at the same time and in that time we are allowed to create for creation not for an examiner or a certain project. That can be quite daunting but as little kids we seemed to never have enough time to play so let us learn to play again and photography experimentation is definitely a game I would recommend.


I did feel a bit odd and self-aware standing in the park with a mirror, it isn't exactly your everyday activity, but it was definitely a rewarding experience.

There is something quite surreal about reflections, they show you two realities simultaneously.

Grab a camera and go

Photographs capture stories, thoughts and scenes that we may otherwise forget. The revival in an appreciation for the film camera may just be another nostalgic commercial stunt but it does reveal our appreciation for the more involved experience. After finding an old point and shoot lying around the house I discovered the playfully liberating feeling of putting your faith completely in the film rather than overthinking photographic technique. To show you what I mean here are a few film photos taken in Scotland, which do convey the feel of the moment better than any carefully placed iPhone burst shoot.

These are interesting times (as they always are) and a documentation of them for your own memory if nobody else's is a great way to create using with the visual material around you instead of starting with a blank page.

(last photo: phone camera)

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